Baking Chez Moi: Summer-Market Galette

IMG_2925.jpgThis galette was pretty perfect timing for what was going on in my market.  Lots of stone fruits and berries on hand.IMG_2909.jpgI had left the nectarines off my list but had picked up some cherries for snacking.  Rather than making a second trip I just subbed in some cherries figuring it still counted in the summer category.IMG_2910.jpgI’m still really on the fence about the combination of mint, lime and ginger with my particular set of fruits.  I’m not sure if the cherries threw it off but I was really wishing I had subbed in some cardamom.

IMG_2911.jpgI cut my cherries in half and followed instructions for the rest of the fruit and this is where I made a crucial error.  I should have tasted all my fruit.  I was worried that the plums were a tad underripe but it turns out the apricots were incredibly sour.  It was very surprising given their texture and fragrance. IMG_2912.jpgIMG_2914.jpgThe lady fingers were a perfect way to catch the fruit juice.  I like making these myself but they were super easy to just purchase and use and made the overall work for this galette a breeze.IMG_2916.jpgIMG_2919.jpgRolling up the sides of the galette was fun and I loved the rustic look of this.

IMG_2927.jpgIMG_2922.jpgIMG_2928.jpgOverall this galette was pretty fabulous.  I had a piece with a little honey greek yogurt which was great and light.  I ended up having to pick off the apricot slices on subsequent bites.  They were so sour it was like sucking on a fresh lemon slice. Overall the recipe was pretty great although I might mix up the flavor profiles depending on my fruit for future attempts.


3 thoughts on “Baking Chez Moi: Summer-Market Galette

  1. Sorry to hear that your apricots were so sour. Such a shame. When they are in season and perfectly ripe they are amazing!

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